Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Tasks & objectives
The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy works in myriad ways to consolidate both the competitiveness of Bavaria as a business location and the efficiency of Bavarian companies. That is why we promote innovation, support company founders, and enable the creation of attractive employment opportunities. In this way we generate prosperity for everyone in our federal state.
Bavaria as a location faces great tasks ahead, one of which is digitalisation. This is a challenge for the world of work and people’s lives that we in Bavaria have taken on resolutely. The guiding principle in our regulatory policies here remains the social market economy. It brings together competitive efficiency with social justice and is therefore the guarantor of our success.
With more than five million people in jobs subject to social security contributions, the Free State of Bavaria is approaching record levels of employment. In numerous Bavarian districts and cities, we have de facto full employment. We want to see continued qualitative growth and prosperity for the people of Bavaria.
To this end, we count on Bavaria’s role as a competitive business location
- with a strong network of large companies, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises,
- a healthy mixture of industry, the manual trades, commerce, and services,
- and excellently educated and qualified employees.
Bavaria as a business location aims to attract foreign investors as well as encourage domestic companies to continue to invest in Bavaria. At the same time, we support the foundation of new businesses and help existing medium-sized enterprises to enter foreign markets.
In this way, the Bavarian economy will also successfully stay on top of global competition in future and continue to demonstrate its leading position in the areas of growth and employment.
In our extensive area of responsibility, we promote optimum framework conditions for companies and citizens in the Free State of Bavaria at all times. In this, we focus on the following policy fields:
- Economic policy: We count on a highly innovative industrial sector, efficient manual trades, modern services, and a flourishing tourism sector. The basis for this is provided by strong medium-sized companies and targeted regional policies.
- Technological policy: We secure Bavaria’s top position among the world’s high-tech countries.
- Digital policy: Our Land aims to belong to the most innovative regions in the world and to be a leading region in the digital economy.
- Energy policy: A secure, affordable ,and environmentally friendly energy supply has our utmost priority.
Without stable regulatory policies, every economic success will be a mere flash in the pan. Our economic policy compass is the social market economy. It brings together market-economy efficiency and social justice. This combination is and remains the best guarantee for economic success, future-proof workplaces and prosperity for everyone. There is broad consensus about this in society.
We therefore stand up, at state, federal and EU level
- for functioning competition and against the abuse of market power,
- for competitive fiscal laws,
- for less bureaucracy and, instead new freedoms for entrepreneurs,
- for targeted investments and innovations, above all in the medium-sized business sector and in more structurally weak regions.
„The Social Market Economy is based on the principles of freedom and order which, if harmony is to reign, must in my view constitute an indivisible whole; for where there is freedom without a firmly established order there is the danger of it degenerating to chaos, and where there is order without freedom, it all too easily results in brutal coercion. “

Image films
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Image film Bavaria
The image film of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology shows Bavaria in its large variety as a traditional, modern and cosmopolitan state.
Head of Ministry
Hubert Aiwanger
Minister of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Deputy Minister President
since November 12, 2018
Personal details | Born on January 26, 1971 in Ergoldsbach | Roman Catholic |
Education and professional experience | 1990: Abitur at Burkhart Grammar School, Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg 1990 to 1991: Basic military service in the Bundeswehr 1991 to 1995: Studied Agriculture, graduating as an engineer (Diplom-Ingenieur, FH) from the Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences, scholarship from the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Since November 2018: Bavarian Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and Deputy Minister President |
Political mandate | 2008 to 2018: Leader of the FREE VOTERS parliamentary faction in Bavaria Since 2008: Deputy in the Bavarian Landtag (state parliament) Since 2008: City Council Member in Rottenburg an der Laaber and District Council Member in Landshut |
Function in the Free Voters | Since 2006: State Chairman of the Free Voters Since 2010: Federal Chairman of the Free Voters |
Voluntary work | Chairman of the BJV district group Rottenburg in the hunting association “Landesjagdverband Bayern – Bayerischer Jagdverband e.V.” |
Tobias Gotthardt
Vice Minister in the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
since November 8, 2023
Personal details | Born on June 3, 1977 in Regensburg | 3 children | Roman Catholic |
Education and professional experience | 1996: Abitur at the Johann-Michael-Fischer-Gymnasium Burglengenfeld Studied at the universities of Regensburg and Freiburg: M.A. in political science / German studies Parliamentary assistant / head of office in the European Parliament and the German Bundestag Consultant for education and public relations at the chemical industry employers' association Since 2015: Member of the Federal Association of FREIE WÄHLER Since 2018: Member of the Bavarian Parliament Since November 2023: Vice Minister in the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy |
Functions (summary) | Education, youth and European policy spokesman of the FREIE WÄHLER parliamentary group until 2023 Chairman of the Committee for Federal and European Affairs until 2023 Acting Chairman of the Committee for Education and Culture until 2023 Deputy member of the Committee of the Regions |
Political mandate | Market Councillor of Kallmünz District councillor of the Regensburg district Since 2018: Member of the Bavarian parliament |
Contact & Directions

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Postal address: 80525 Munich
Street address: Prinzregentenstraße 28, 80538 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2162-0
Fax: +49 89 2162-2760
E-Mail: info[at][dot]de
Further information*
*in German only